Sunday, December 30, 2007

Latest Movie reviews.

These are my reviews of the last two movies I have seen. Yup that's right I feel that I know enough to criticise and make fun of other peoples hard work. Just kidding.


This is a movie based in post-Apocalypse new york starring will smith and his dog. I think the director did an excellent job. Their wasn't a whole lot of background music to set mood. They created the suspense without it. The beginning was amazing, it was a beautiful introduction to the movie. Over all I give it a 4.5 out of 5.

The Bourne Ultimatum:

Amazing. 6 out of 5. It is the best movie I have seen this year. I liked the way the movie overlapped with the two previous Bourne movies. It was visually and intellectually appealing. They left the opening opened ended. Maybe a fourth movie. I hope not. As much as I would love to watch it I think it would be hard for the directors to beat their previous movie and therefore ruin all 3 permanently (just like the Pirates of the Carribean.)

It's Been Awhile

Lately I just haven't had anything to write about. My life has been kinda dull and boring with this slight emotion I would describe as static(like on a tv, it's annoying stressful and irritable and comes with a slight headache and when compiled it just feels like noise in my head).

Christmas was fun, we visited my grandma's house on Whidbey Island. She always has this party with twenty some people there. My other grandma from the grand canyon state came up and spent a week with us. We don't get to see her much so that felt good. Gift wise, I didn't want anything. I just didn't need nor wanted anything. Christmas came and I loved everything I got, and I felt dissapointed that it was over. I didn't really give anything to anybody. selfish.

New Years coming. Another year gone, can't say I made myself useful this year and next year I probably won't either. apathy.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Bus

Intercity transit let me down today. I got on the 12:40 bus to go to the transit center where I would normally hook up with the Mason County Transit at 1:00. Well the Olympia bus was 5 minutes late. This is bad because the next bus to Shelton leaves at 3:40. Now what? I start to get mad. then I stop. so what if I get home three hours later. the world won't end, my life isn't hanging in the balance. people are starving, dieing, and I'm going to throw a pity party because I'm three hours late? (at frustrating times like these there's a little dialogue in my head. two competing parties are arguing for control over my mind.) Why? i ask myself. i don't know so I ask God even though I don't expect an answer. Then my mind says the why doesn't even matter. God wants me to be thankful in all things. but whats to be thankful about?the fact that it's cold, beginning to rain, and that I'm three hours late getting home. that's exactly what to be thankful for. I come to a conclusion: I'll be thankful but I won't be happy about it.

2 hours and 40 minutes later I board the Shelton bus. I decide to sit in the very back because it's usually warmer, today it wasn't. There was one other guy sitting in the back row. he was reading his book. I just wanted to be left alone. Five minutes down the road i see he is actually reading a new testament. "wow, that's really cool," I thought. Then I attempted to sleep. I woke up and there he was. just reading the Bible. I couldn't help but be drawn to this fact. This guy read the Bible for 30 minutes straight. A few minutes before his stop he stopped reading and drew a smiley face on the window with the word smile above it. Yet again, I was drawn to this. I kept thinking about it. I looked at the smiley face. It felt like the face was ordering me to smile. it wanted me to smile. skitzo. anyway I looked at the guy who had been reading the Bible, and the smiley face. there was just some connection between this all. I didn't get it. I still don't. What I do know is that this guy had been almost like the source of solace for me while on the bus. and this person, whoever he was read the Bible. I haven't been reading mine. so excuse me I'm going to listen to God for a change.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Consumerism(buy nothing day)+a little christianity today

I read an article on CNN about consumerism and how today is No Buy Day. I couldn't agree more with it.

The Christianity today article I have problems with. it seems hypocritical of them to fully support Bruce and Evan Almighty but reject this documentary.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

a call:

lately i've been wondering what to do with my life. and then i had a brilliant thought, i should do what God wants me to do! now here's the big question... what does God want me to do? this question is soon followed by... how do I know what God wants me to do? and then followed by does who i am affect Gods decision? which is followed by does God even care?

in the bible God called the murderer Moses very clearly (Exodus 3:4). Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James, John (Matthew 4:18-22) and Matthew (Matthew 9:9), Philip (John 1:43) and Saul (Acts 9:3-6) to name a few. However, the Bible doesn't let us know specifically about the callings of other great men such as Stephen. Yet not everybody is a great leader. There has to be followers to... right? Acts 2:41 says, "Those who accepted his message weere baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day." Who is # 1,549 in the list of 3,000. why wasn't he called to do greater?

Every one (or at least me) wants, longs to be part of something greater. Did # 1,549 accomplish this. what exactly did he do after he accepted the message? Did he/she, do wonders in the name of the Lord? Did he/she bring glory to God? Did he/she live an average middleclass life, with not much say? Am I called to be just like # 1549? Am I called to be an average joe, living a "normal" life? Am I not an average joe just because I love God? Why haven't I been clearly called? or maybe more appropiatly... should i have been clearly called? am i just jealous? is my hardened heart incapable of hearing? if God even called clearly, would I follow?

my good youth leader Justin claimed (or at least this is how i took it) that if we live for God wherever we are we are following His call.

sometimes i pray that God won't call me. I worry that my own pride might get in the way. i worry that i might screw it up. I also worry that i'm not doing what God wants me to do. actually, i know i'm not doing what God wants me to do. my life is filled with sin, but peter, and paul, and stephen, and # 1,549 were all sinners to.

while i guess what each career would be like, what my day to day activities would be, i wonder if it is the right choice. and now i'm wondering if i will ever know.

i guess when it comes down to it i should probably just read the bible more, and spend more time actually listening

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hopeless cause

If you live around Shelton WA you know that our very own Mr. AJ Foster was running for mayor. Foster 4 Mayor campaign video , Foster 4 Mayor posters. Things were going pretty smoothly. then the MAN stepped into the picture. It looked hopeful. Wow, A.HA could actually get into the ballot. That would just be awesome! But then came the rules and regulations. The man was crushing our dreams.

I wright this in reference to one of my heroes, Stephen Colbert. He too has a dream. a dream that is slowly being crushed by "the MAN" Read Colbert's story here. Colbert wherever you are... I want you to know you have my vote.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I find the following questions very interesting. They are very fundamental. I am interested in your answers. Please defend your answers as well


anwer the question.

Yes or No?

anwer the question.


anwer the question.


answer the question.


answer the question.


answer the question.


I find it dissapointing that soon everyone will be looking for some one to blame for the fires in California. Is it really anyones fault?


your thoughts?

If scientists made a human robot what would it be like? Emotionally & Physically

Does it make you uncomfortable to think about replacing ones body with robot parts, i.e. arms, legs, hearts,

Thursday, October 18, 2007

An American Conspiracy! (tail)

An American Tail is a fun little childrens movie about mice who come to america to escape the cats. Cute?! WRONG! You have all been decieved! Lied to! I will uncover this movie for the sinister propaganda it is!

The poor Mousekewitz family is having a nice Christmas. There is talk of prosperity in America. But soon their humble home ravaged by the constant attacks on thier homes by cats.

This section of the movie starts again on the prosperity in American and the lack of cats (communists). The Italian, represents Russia's influence over many European Countrys at the time. It also shows the perilous journey that wanna be migrants would have to endure.

The next 1/8th of the movie features capitalism at it's best and worst. "Never say Never again!" Unlimited possibilities in America. (especially notice the trading of the hats representing the social roles in America, the land of oportunity) Then the rat takes advantage of Feivo. Capitalism is all about taking advantage of one another. Or is is? remember this part for later. Now notice the writing's around Feivo's picture. Jewish. a minority and not a happy minority in russia.

This is probably the most politically charged section of the whole movie. The train and screaming women section of the movie represents forces outside of our control. Then comes the rally. It pretty much speaks for itself. Just pay special note to the timing of the cat attack. Right in the middle of Free Speech, just what those slimy communists would do. Beware of the communists amoungst us! Then comes the part where Gussy Mouseheimer (sp) speaks to "Honest" John. The "Honest" represents hypocracy in American Government.

"They don't even know the difference between the rich and the poor" is absolutely amazing. irrefuteable evidence. case closed. but if you want more continue.

This section can be described in one word. Action! United the mice will eliminate the communist threat. Then Feivo stumbles upon, a communist hide out.

It is now apparent that the ultimate source of greed comes from the Communists, a cat in disguise. The orange cat represents the few commies that truly believe in communism. They don't give this cat much credit, only stupid communists truly believe. I refer to the playing of poker.

Glorious Victory! The mice united are stronger than the cats. and just where did the cats go!? CHINA! but victory is rare without some losses.

True liberty can now exist in America! Credits

As you can see our parents have brainwashed us. or atleast they tried. Just remember, eyes open!

little children and gambling

I was having a very interesting conversation with a friend named Dan. Somehow Chuck E. Cheese came up. Slowly the conversation warped into a scary realization. Gambling starts at Chuck E. Cheese's.

Every kids hero, chuck, turns out to be the leader of a gambling ring. Why do little children keep asking mommy and daddy for quarters? Their gambling addicts. "Just one more ticket and I can get a stuffed animal!" Just take a look at the hideous Chuck E.(vil) Cheese. He's your friend, your pal, he would never do anything to hurt you. So just play one game, that's it just one, you never know unless you try. (sarcasm if you didn't catch it)

Unfortunately as children grow their addictions grow with them. But it is possible to overcome. Read Danny's story here.

There is always hope!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I've been in a rebellious rut. Whenever I get told to do something i feel this little twinge in my chest. NO! You can't make me! This has even more so been happening when i am told not to do something. I just want to anyway. This attitude taxes my emotions, a lot. it's weird.

for example i get told not to drive fast. In my mind:
you know what?! i'm going to speed and there's not a thing in the world that can stop me.
then superior logic kicks in: well i suppose i shouldn't speed, i can't afford the ticket.

but that logic doesn't kill the evil thoughts. it just imprisons them. a bunch of evil thoughts and temptations are locked in small corner of my mind. they want out. the only thing holding them in there is God, and (in comparison) a small amount of will power. It's just that this constant battling and containing of thoughts in my mind is slowly wearing me down. hopefully this will be over soon.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What Now?

I graduate next year and I'm in sort of a pickle.
-I'm darn near broke.
-I have to pay off vehicle damages.
-I have more than a full load at SPSCC + a part time job.
-I have take my dog with me to college which costs money.
-I need a computer for college which costs money
-I have to ride mason transit, which is cheaper than driving but still is 1$ per ride.
-I have to pay for gas.
-I have to figure out transportation for college.
-actually i have to figure out living expenses for general living $$$=(

all so that i can go to college and live a succesful and productive life. I don't even know what i want to do. sometimes i just want to throw it all out the window. but then what? so i choose to go to college, but what am i gonna do after that?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


These are my latest attempts at creating art

1st attempt

Discovery: at this phase i discovered a new medium of art

2nd attempt

Trial: At this phase i see hope for a real masterpiece.

3rd attempt

Realization: At this phase i get frustrated. All my best efforts are lost. I could never create anything wonderful. However, i am not satisfied with my work.

Final Attempt

Completion: at this phase i am very pleased with my work.... until I take a second look. I spent how many hours on this? Why did i do this? it doesn't even look that good. oh well it beats watching tv and at least have something to show for it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I read this article on I'm still not sure what to think of it.

I find it hard to believe that russia cares about the common family (stereotyping at its finest). And I'm not sure what effect this will have on the common family. The parents that are suckered into this are probably only thinking one thing... baby=$$$. Then again it could just be a way to celebrate a national holiday.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Tell me... have you heard this before?

"I just don't connect with the music. I see others connecting and that's great. its just not how i worship. I try but i still cannot connect. it's not my style."

I have heard this from a great friend (a.ha) and my grandmother. almost word for word. This raised a few questions. how come older people listen to a certain kind of music and young listen to another? Do you even have to connect to be worshiping?

Does my grandmother really like the music she listens to or does she just listen to her culture? Does the same go for AJ or even me?

I have reached the same conclusion i have always reached. we are all worshiping to get something. and I don't think that's whats worship is about us. it should be about the big G, God.

"connecting" is merely a phrase used to describe a good feeling. Anybody can "connect" with music. anybody can get a good feeling from any song. So whenever some person says that he/she really "connected" with God during worship I get suspicious.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I started working at a cute little restaurant called Johnny Rockets. That place has given me a lot to think about. These thoughts are chronologically ordered. (kind of)

1. I don't make a very good server. Serving goes against everything I am. Serving requires someone who is upbeat, talkative, speedy, and confident. I, on the other hand, am semi-shy, quiet, pessimistic, and I like to work slow and steady. As I said not a good match.

2. What am I really? Who I am has been brought about by my environment. I am merely a collection of experiences. None of which were ever really my choice. But we as humans have the ability to choose, don't we? When were my choices really my choices?
3. What's right in this situation... The chain of command at johnny rockets is as follows:
some of the owners area managers
store manager

johnny rockets is a franchise. and as such it has rules. however, these rules are flexible because in theory they are perfect but in practice they don't work. Unfortunately this has the supervisors, and managers telling me to do different actions to solve the same problem. Example: supervisors tell me to give customer free frys if food takes to long. manager says "no free food ever unless you talk to me." unfortunately the manager is hardly available.
to whom should I listen keeping in mind that if I don't listen to both I could easily find myself searching for a new job.
4. After leaving work one day... "Is this all life is about?" go to work, get money. go home, save half, spend the rest. While I was growing up the working world was always a great mystery. now that i'm in it I have realized that work actually isn't all that mysterious.
5. I try hard to respect my supervisors. but one of them, supposedly, left early, showed up drunk that very night. and was passed out at a hospital and therefore couldn't be at work the next day. this same supervisor expects almost perfection from her subordinates. It's very hard for me to respect such a person.
6. one of the bussers constantly complains that i'm depressed. I don't think i'm depressed. maybe i'm in denial. most of my thoughts are pretty negative. oh well.
It's not that I dislike where I work. On the contrary, it's all i could ask for. My supervisors really are nice people. it pays well. the people who work there are fun. It's just that maybe it's not for me. and there is no way i am going to be a server/waiter for the rest of my life.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I give

I dislike myspace, barely heard of facebook, and find IMing annoying. But just about everyone seems to have a blog in which they write all of their brilliant thoughts, personal information, and random bits of information that relates to absolutely nothing. oh well, I guess I'll join the fad and try to figure blogspot out.