This movie was quite a bit darker than the first. And it has much stronger violence. But that's all ok. And unfortunately the movie theater was just about sold out so I pretty much had the worst seat, so I can't really write about graphics and cinematography.
Batman Begins sold me because the action and violence seemed to play a secondary role (or revolved around) to the philosophical arguments, morals, and character development. This movie had some of the same. It seemed to me that the directors/writers tried to recreate the feeling from Apocalypse Now, the feeling one might get from witnessing a murder or the feeling of being simply and utterly shocked by a large amount of violence. Unfortunately Apocalypse Now didn't quite do it for me so I struggled a little to stay connected to the movie. Actually The Dark Knight did a better job of creating this emotion by funneling it into the character "The Joker."
What I really didn't like about this movie was that it felt like it would never end. It's possible that I felt this way because it was around 0'dark thirty at night when I watched. But it seemed like every time the movie felt like it was going to end it didn't. The movie had a few to many climaxes.
The movie kinda left with a deconstructionist take on the situation. But to please the crowd the threw in a narrative at the end. The two rarely work out together. Yet this movie seemed to accomplish putting the two together because while narrative was going on the film showed a very nice montage of Batman running from the cops.
Anyway I liked the movie and got to see my Uncles Godkid act (he played the cops son)