Thursday, September 6, 2007


Tell me... have you heard this before?

"I just don't connect with the music. I see others connecting and that's great. its just not how i worship. I try but i still cannot connect. it's not my style."

I have heard this from a great friend (a.ha) and my grandmother. almost word for word. This raised a few questions. how come older people listen to a certain kind of music and young listen to another? Do you even have to connect to be worshiping?

Does my grandmother really like the music she listens to or does she just listen to her culture? Does the same go for AJ or even me?

I have reached the same conclusion i have always reached. we are all worshiping to get something. and I don't think that's whats worship is about us. it should be about the big G, God.

"connecting" is merely a phrase used to describe a good feeling. Anybody can "connect" with music. anybody can get a good feeling from any song. So whenever some person says that he/she really "connected" with God during worship I get suspicious.


AJ said...

I think your right but still wrong, there is some songs that "help" me connect then there is songs that don't help me connect.

Nate said...

why would that specific song help you connect over another? are you saying one is superior to the other? if you lived 100 years ago would that song still help you connect

AJ said...

There are songs which are pleasing to my ears, which helps me be in a better mood and helps me put my guard down better. And no it wouldnt be the same because church/the means of worship was different.

Nate said...

That is my point! those songs make you feel better. that is not God. it is the music. you like the music.

.justin said...

nate wins.

a-ha loses.

nate says:
"connecting" is merely a phrase used to describe a good feeling.

i agree.

this is part of my inspiration for rethinking what we do for musical worship... what are our lyrics REALLY saying?

read this article for some extended thoughts.

again, i'm having a hard time focusing...


AJ said...

Stick it, I believe that we are both right.