Tuesday, November 13, 2007

a call:

lately i've been wondering what to do with my life. and then i had a brilliant thought, i should do what God wants me to do! now here's the big question... what does God want me to do? this question is soon followed by... how do I know what God wants me to do? and then followed by does who i am affect Gods decision? which is followed by does God even care?

in the bible God called the murderer Moses very clearly (Exodus 3:4). Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James, John (Matthew 4:18-22) and Matthew (Matthew 9:9), Philip (John 1:43) and Saul (Acts 9:3-6) to name a few. However, the Bible doesn't let us know specifically about the callings of other great men such as Stephen. Yet not everybody is a great leader. There has to be followers to... right? Acts 2:41 says, "Those who accepted his message weere baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day." Who is # 1,549 in the list of 3,000. why wasn't he called to do greater?

Every one (or at least me) wants, longs to be part of something greater. Did # 1,549 accomplish this. what exactly did he do after he accepted the message? Did he/she, do wonders in the name of the Lord? Did he/she bring glory to God? Did he/she live an average middleclass life, with not much say? Am I called to be just like # 1549? Am I called to be an average joe, living a "normal" life? Am I not an average joe just because I love God? Why haven't I been clearly called? or maybe more appropiatly... should i have been clearly called? am i just jealous? is my hardened heart incapable of hearing? if God even called clearly, would I follow?

my good youth leader Justin claimed (or at least this is how i took it) that if we live for God wherever we are we are following His call.

sometimes i pray that God won't call me. I worry that my own pride might get in the way. i worry that i might screw it up. I also worry that i'm not doing what God wants me to do. actually, i know i'm not doing what God wants me to do. my life is filled with sin, but peter, and paul, and stephen, and # 1,549 were all sinners to.

while i guess what each career would be like, what my day to day activities would be, i wonder if it is the right choice. and now i'm wondering if i will ever know.

i guess when it comes down to it i should probably just read the bible more, and spend more time actually listening


.justin said...

pure brilliance.
well articulated and completely true.
keep it up.
i'm proud of you.

AJ said...

One word for this post: Nice!
keep up the thunking!