Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hopeless cause

If you live around Shelton WA you know that our very own Mr. AJ Foster was running for mayor. Foster 4 Mayor campaign video , Foster 4 Mayor posters. Things were going pretty smoothly. then the MAN stepped into the picture. It looked hopeful. Wow, A.HA could actually get into the ballot. That would just be awesome! But then came the rules and regulations. The man was crushing our dreams.

I wright this in reference to one of my heroes, Stephen Colbert. He too has a dream. a dream that is slowly being crushed by "the MAN" Read Colbert's story here. Colbert wherever you are... I want you to know you have my vote.


AJ said...

I think he is crying. We can both cry together.

AJ said...

Which would totally not be gay

B-Handsome said...


Anonymous said...

only you brad would partake in somethinging like that. with a gay name like b-handsome. Totally gay.

B-Handsome said...

ahh, yah caught me. completely and totally

Anonymous said...

it is time you came out of the closet, it gets stuffy in there.

.justin said...

brad even attracts anonymous attacks here too!

wow... that's real talent!

B-Handsome said...

People Love to Hate ME! and I could care less.

.justin said...


fast comment-back brad.

you impress me all around!

AJ said...

We all need to take a chill pill.