Friday, May 2, 2008

The Final Rough Draft

For my Humanities 118 class we have to complete an independent project. I decided to make a brief video. This is, as noted in the title, still a rough draft.

Thoughts and criticisims are highly welcomed.


Danny said...

I think you did a good job. My only thought/criticism is that it is hard to tell your thoughts towards this topic. At times the film seems to say these things are terrible, at other times that they are fun and laughable. Or maybe that is the idea?

Also, I was a bit disappointed there were no crisis in masculinity, that would make it amazing. (joke from class)

.justin said...

very awesome.

i like your premise.

here are some movie-making comments.

it was hard to hear stephen [who is absolutely awesome BTW] during the second interview over the flobots.

i LOVED all the pictures of guns.

i think your battle scenes in the woods and the chasing part with stephen should be sped up a little, but extract the audio so it doesn't sound gurgled. it got "a little long" for a school project.

you need a conclusion. a strong conclusion.

tie it all together for me.

i like it a lot.

nice work.

Mr. John said...

nice work.

a few suggestions though:
longer does not mean better. i think there are scattered parts where there is a lot of un-needed footage.

when the words are coming up in the beginning: "my little brother spends..." needs to stay up a little longer.

Eric said...

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